Friday Five

Spring has sprung (aka the weather is beautiful but your allergies are bonkers)


Today I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness; the name of the game is SPRING RUNNING!

Continuing with my cross training/recovery theme for the week, for me spring running means getting and staying healthy. Sure, I’m thankful for the beautiful weather and ability to wear shorts + tank tops but going from treadmill running to more frequent outdoor running can equal unhappy legs.

1. How to Use a Foam Roller. Yep, I know. Basic. But up until this past Tuesday, I had never truly foam rolled my legs before. I don’t know why I waited so long!

2. Quick and Dirty Tips for preventing running injuries

3. Gentle yoga. Yoga By Candace is hands down the best at home yoga instruction you can find on YouTube.

4. Spring allergy tips for runners. In Atlanta, allergies are BAD. Almost as bad as the traffic.

5. Tips to “Spring” Back Into Training


Other things that help me conquer spring running:

– Sunscreen! The sun is out there and it’s down to burn (DTB). So I always make sure to lather up

– Good socks. If my shoes are on point but my socks suck, it can make for painful blisters/raw spots

– Run with friends. There’s nothing better than a run on a beautiful day with a friend or two

– Try new routes. Now that the weather is nice, I love exploring my neighborhood and finding cool new places to run

– Have fun. I love running but I never want to take myself so seriously that I lose my joy!


♥ Nicole

PS Don’t forget to tune in on Monday for my charity auction kick off!!!


14 thoughts on “Spring has sprung (aka the weather is beautiful but your allergies are bonkers)”

  1. I don’t know if anything is as bad as the I-85 mess, though.. then again, my dad didn’t have sinus problems until he moved to Atlanta, and he had to have sinus surgery a few years ago after years of chronic sinus infections, so there you go.


  2. My allergies are wreaking havoc with me right now as well, so over it! I will have to check out Yoga with Candace I am always looking for something different to try. I hate to get stuck in a rut for too long.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My allergies have been killing me the past two weeks. A few days ago I woke up my a very sore left eye – no clue how it happened, lol. I do love Spring but hate it at the same time because of my allergies.


  4. My spring allergies were never a problem until my 20’s…then they just got worse every year. Finally, I went through several years (I think 5?) of weekly allergy shots, and now I can breathe and my eyes are not a constant itchy mess. I still have allergy symptoms, but they are a mere fraction of what I had to live with before the shots.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh my gosh, girl. I didn’t use a foam roller for YEARS. I didn’t even know what it was to be honest. But it’s a game changer, no?

    And whomp whomp to the allergies. Thankfully they haven’t started here yet…


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